Lung Games

Lung Games Logo

Applied Games for Respiratory Therapy

Panda Applied Game Award, 2021Serious Play Award, 2019

Our games help children with their respiratory therapy through engaging and interactive gameplay.

Our Products

Sparky, Learn through gaming

Sparky, Learn through gaming

Sparky is our flagship game for asthma. Sparky was created under the guidance of lung specialists and allows patients to gamify their lung physiotherapy by using the spirometere as a game controller. The patient blows into the spirometer during gameplay, registering their lung data.



RevalAir is created for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The University of Wageningen, which financed COPD Rehab, requested a game to help patients gain the motivation and compliance to complete rehab exercises. Game-savvy patients experienced a measurable increase in lung function by completing more frequent lung rehab exercises.

Wind Tales

Wind Tales

Wind Tales is created for Cystic Fibrosis. This game was created close to our heart - our game developer made Wind Tales for his own daughter, who suffered from CF. They replaced 3 weekly breathing sessions with a physiotherapist with this gameplay, which was quickly adopted by other children in their parent-patient group.

Our Partners

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